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Useful information and Links

Purple circle with I, a green love heart and NDIS

NDIS Pricing Arrangements

This link will take you to the NDIS price page where you will find the most up to date Pricing Catalogue.

Pink heart with a missing puzzle piece

Links you definitely want to check out!

Here you will find Links to other government funded schemes like companion card application form and Taxi Subsidy Scheme. There is also links for  advocate services, accessible accommodation and carer support services. 

NDIS quality and safeguards commission logo

Need to make a complaint?

People with disability have the right to complain about the services they receive. Most NDIS providers do their best to provide quality supports and services to people with disability, but issues can occur.

If you have a concern about your current NDIS supports or services, it is important that you talk about it.


By following this link, you will be directed to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards complaints page, which contains all the options for lodgeing a complaint about us or another provider. 

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